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About Us

Trend Kitchens USA was established to fulfill the need to provide the latest trends in kitchen and bath remodeling. Our focus is to supply natural and engineered stone fabrication made of high-quality. We pride ourselves on providing quality installs on every project. We serve Melbourne and surrounding areas within 20 miles of distance.

Our Core Values: Trends and Innovations

We have built a company offering the latest trends and innovations in kitchen and bath remodeling. We started with installing granite countertops but quickly expand into complete full remodeling projects. Trend Kitchens USA is a premier custom kitchen and bath remodeling company, We do not only focus on the latest trends and innovations, but we also provide you with the best designs and high-quality materials to make your vision a reality.

We have completed over 2,500 beautiful kitchens and baths. We can consult on design to putting in the work, gutting-out spaces, installing and fabricating natural stones and other materials. Our team is skilled with professional craftsmen and design specialists to create beautiful kitchens, bathrooms, and other custom projects.

Short-term goals expect accomplishment in a short period of time, such as trying to get a bill paid in the next few days.

Ready to get rolling? Start now with a free consultation!

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